Not Satisfied? No Problem.
If you find that the results promised by our product do not meet your expectations, despite following the instructions provided in our "How to Use" guidance videos available on our official YouTube channel @Halawawax. In that case, we invite you to initiate a refund request. To do so, kindly send us a clear photograph of the product along with the courier label, and include a brief video demonstrating the application of the wax. Upon receipt and review of this information, we will promptly proceed with processing your refund. To begin the refund process, please contact us via WhatsApp at 03051453939 within 15 days of your purchase, and we will ensure a full refund is issued.
Refunds Time
Once your refund request is approved, we'll initiate the refund within 48 hours. The refund amount will be transferred to your bank account.
Returning Extras
If you've purchased multiple pieces of BreezePure Halawa Wax and want to return the extras, simply ship them back to us via any courier company. As soon as we receive the returned items, we'll process the refund only for product price (not the courier charges paid by customer).
Damaged Products
In the unlikely event that you receive a damaged piece of BreezePure Halawa Wax, don't worry – we've got you covered. Just send us a photo or a short video of the damage, and we'll replace the item free of charge and ship a new one to you.
Our Customer Care Team is here to help! If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, feel free to reach out to us via WhatsApp 03051453939. We're always happy to assist you.